Ultimate Guide: What is Somatic Yoga

Somatic Yoga is a transformative approach that focuses on the connection between your body and mind, helping you to release pent-up emotions and tension. Unlike traditional yoga, this practice emphasizes internal awareness and bodily sensations, allowing you to gently explore your movements. Through slow, mindful movements, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of your body … Read more

Somatic Yoga

Over time, somatic yoga has emerged as a powerful practice that deepens your mind-body connection, enhancing your overall well-being. By incorporating awareness of your body and its movements, you can improve flexibility, relieve tension, and experience emotional release. This guide will lead you through the essence of somatic yoga, equipping you with techniques to listen … Read more

What Are Yoga Blocks For?

Yoga blocks are essential tools that enhance my practice by providing support, improving alignment, and helping me engage my muscles more effectively. Even though I wasn’t planning on becoming a teacher, it was a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training that taught me the most ways that blocks can improve my practice! Whether I aim to deepen my … Read more

Beyond Teaching – How Yoga Teacher Training Enhances Personal Development

Embark on a transformative journey with the ultimate personal growth experience – yoga teacher training. Beyond perfecting poses and learning to instruct, yoga teacher training offers a profound exploration of self-awareness, mindfulness, and holistic well-being. Discover the powerful impact this training can have on your mental, physical, and spiritual development as you delve deep into … Read more